Monday 16 March 2020

Do you speak limbic?

Check out this article....

Help, I Don’t Speak Limbic

How to talk to a teen when he’s “gone limbic." 

Posted Jan 18, 2017

  • 1 comment:

    1. Standouts - " is impossible to exercise these rational responses to a teen’s hyperarousal if we ourselves are hyperaroused....the teen’s capacity to pause and reflect hinges on our own ability to pause and reflect." and "To help him transition back to rational, we have to help him self-regulate. We do this by softening our eyes, lowering our tone of voice, slowing our speech rhythm, and relaxing our facial expression, gestures, posture. Provided we allow him the time it takes for the message to sink in—and every teen is different in this regard—he will eventually “tell” you, with his own affect signals, if not his words"

      Love Stuart Shanker's work. If you haven't already visited his website it's The Mehrit Centre at
